PTA Meeting/Guest Speaker Nov 16th

Join us for a PTA meeting and Parent Education on Thursday November 16th.  We are so excited about our Parent Education speaker — Linda Flanagan is the author of the critically acclaimed book Take Back the Game: How Money and Mania are Ruining Kids’ Sports and Why it Matters. You can join us on Zoom at 6 PM for our Association meeting and 6:30 pm to chat with Linda Flanagan. 

AMS PTA Association Meeting Agenda 

Zoom Call, Thursday, November 16, 2023 

6pm-6:30pm PTA Association Mtg 

6:30pm-7:30pm Guest Speaker Linda Flannagan 

Zoom link:

Meeting ID: 861 1600 0550 

  1. Welcome (Sarah, 2 minutes) 
  1. Treasurer’s update (Amy/Eliza, 5 minutes) 
  • Financial Report/Budget update 
  • Check approvals 
  1. Secretary’s Meeting Minutes Approval (Rolando, 5 min) 
  • October 2023 minutes 
  1. President’s Report (Sarah/Eliza, 10 minutes) 
  • Fundraiser Updates 

-Craft Fair recap/thank you to organizers 

       -Online Auction update (week of 11/27) 

  • Update on Ms. Fisher’s room/outstanding needs 
  1. Principal’s update (Eric Mapes, 5 min) 
  1. State of the School 
  1. Upcoming events 
  1. Parent ED Speaker – Linda Flannagan (Shannon to introduce)